December 28, 2015

Double Standard 3 : Gay Short-film First Look

First look posters and video of upcoming gay themed short film Double Standard 3

Click on the Images for bigger resolution pics


  1. It seems that there is a lot of hot extra footage that gets excluded from the actual movie. It happened with earlier films of this film maker as well. Can you post those extras?

  2. These movies are no fun to watch. Worst acting, direction, story, and esp d background music- sounds like 90s dd1 serials. Needs a lot of improvement

    1. Hey Friend, I agree with you. But I feel that in the drought of hot gay videos, This is a hope. We have to remember that these are the films just to serve as entry experience to really novice (bad but honest) actors with no appearant budget, we should encourage them. Also I am positive about it because if you compare the early films of this film maker, they are improving on the story telling part. We can hope good for the rest.

      Yes for the background music, the film makers can definitely hunt for some good music with creative commons liscence. It will need some exploration on the net. Here is some help as a starting point.
